Hope is Maybe








Dear Artists,


Kind summer greetings from Munich. For weeks, the sun has shined every day and provided us with Caribbean temperatures, not to say: it is hot!


Today, I would like to give you a short update on our project „Hope is Maybe“. It has developed with great success so far. The exhibition at Munich Airport was visited by a large number of people, and evoked a huge interest in the situation of refugees and their thoughts on hope.


At the moment, the exhibition can be seen at the Jesuits refugees camp in Munich. The opening was a great, as it brought the project back to where everything started. Some of the people interviewed are still living in the camp and recognized their quotes. And I was asked to send you all a big THANK YOU on their behalf.


From October 15th 2018 until April 10th 2019 we will exhibit “Hope is Maybe” at Munich’s University for Philosophy (Hochschule für Philosophie). We are aiming to present our catalog at this location. A date has not been set.


Furthermore, the exhibition will travel to Regensburg’s Technical University (OTH, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg) where it could be seen from November 11th 2018 through December 20th, 2017.


Last but not least, I would like to bring to your attention a report by JRS Europe: „FORGOTTEN at the GATES OF EUROPE - Ongoing protection concerns at the EU’s external border.“ This report features our project as well as some of the shows artworks. You can download the report here: https://jrseurope.org/Assets/Publications/File/PEB_Report1.pdf  (Topic wise it might not be the perfect summer read, but definitely worth reading as it provides solid background info on the situation here in Europe).


Enjoy Summer!


With best regards,




Michael Haerteis

Collaborative Creativity


